Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Update on our Hand-some Guy

Yes, that's right, it gives me great joy to announce that Peter can put his hands in his mouth (what can I say - I'm a simple girl).
In other news (parents of Problem Sleepers, read on at your peril), Peter sleeps. And sleeps. Like a champ, in fact. Yes, despite a particularly rocky start to the nocturnal facts of home life, our little former night owl now sleeps like, well, a baby (in the "sleeps like a baby" sense, not in the way that most babies actually sleep). He sleeps through the night, sometimes for as many as ten hours in a row. Who knew? So I feel a little sheepish about tugging on your heartstrings with my whole "boo hoo, I've been subsisting on two hour-and-a-half-naps a day for six weeks" routine. My bad.
That's about it from our end. Peter is now a little more than three months corrected age, which means he's a little more than six months actual age, and as of last week weighed in at 5.02 kg (or just over 11 lbs for those who refuse to accept the obvious superiority of the metric system). And I promise to get better at posting, and to take some uber-cute pictures in the near future.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Out in the cold and on the grid