Sunday, August 23, 2009

Aunties and Uncles

In addition to the wide array of individuals to whom I refer as "Auntie This" and "Uncle That", Peter has an extensive selection of actual aunties and uncles with whom to spend his time. Here are just a few: Auntie Megg

Peter tells his Auntie Megg a story during a recent visit from Calgary.

Uncle Scott

Peter and his Uncle Scott do "Blue Steel".

Auntie Liane

Peter making eyes at his Auntie Liane. Liane is all set to go back to med school after spending a couple of weeks with us. We will miss her lots.


That's it for now, dear reader. Stay tuned for future posts, in which I will introduce you to Peter's Uncles Chris, Nick and Joe and his Aunties Esti and Meghan L ...

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