Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More Aunties and Uncles!

I am getting closer to completing the collection. Uncle Nick is going to be a tough one, stranded as he is in Calgary, but I will persist.
Auntie Esti

Peter's relaxed pose with his Auntie Esti is part milk drunk, part gratitude for his first formal invitation (to Uncle Joe and Auntie Esti's wedding! So exciting!).

Uncle Chris

Peter has a front-row seat to his favourite show, courtesy of his Uncle Chris.

Auntie G. Meghan L.

This is not how Peter really feels about his Auntie Meghan. Thanks to her, he is the grateful recipient of an adorable piggie quilt that she made, as well as several onesies with dinosaurs (um, or dragons, if you don't believe in that sort of thing).

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