Friday, January 8, 2010

It's Not That Late if You're Ukrainian

So, dear reader, I thought it was high time I posted some photos from Peter's Joyeux Noel. Without further ado:

The Peanut Family Christmas tree, all decked out with presents on Christmas morning.

The very pretty origami crane ornaments that Santa was so kind as to leave in my stocking.
The Peanut Family hosted Christmas brunch - which meant I got to double-fist mimosa and coffee in my PJs. Jealous?
Peter contemplates his great mound of presents.
Peter is clearly very interested in the card accompanying Auntie Liane's gift.
Auntie Esti presents Peter with his first dark-wash denim.
Everybody's favourite game was "Whose toy does Peter like best?" (Answer: whichever one is currently in his mouth.)
Peter cannot beLIEVE how much fun Christmas is.
Peter sports the pimpin' shirt sent by his Auntie Megg.
Peter with his own Personal Penguin - a gift from Grannie.

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