Saturday, July 18, 2009

Auntie Liane Stops By For a Bath (and makes herself useful by photographing the ordeal)

A few photos for your viewing pleasure (now dated by a couple of weeks). I am still working out the kinks in Peter's bathing routine, namely how exactly to find a time to bathe him at which he is (a) awake and (b) neither (i) hungry (and therefore prone to crying) nor (ii) full (and therefore prone to barfing). An intractable problem, as far as I can tell.
We bought the "Spa Baby Euro Tub" for Peter. It is basically a glorified bucket, and is supposed to make little ones hate baths less because more of them is immersed in the water, which is also kept warmer by the high sides, so they don't get quite as cold.
So far so good ...
Once we're out of the toasty warm water, however, bath time becomes an apparently very stressful experience - this is a Peter posture I've labelled "Make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop!"
The finished product (thanks to Great Aunt Terry for the uber-cute outfit!).
And a cuddle with Dad (does anyone not see the resemblance?).

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