Friday, December 4, 2009


I have a head cold. My nose is raw from blowing. My hands are raw from washing. My eyes are raw from watching P dizzle for symptoms (none so far, but since I spent the days preceding the onset of symptoms as I do most of my time - giving him kisses and munching on his appendages - my guess is that, sooner or later, his tiny nose will be plugged up too). This is my first cold since Peter was born 8 months ago (today!). Also since I got pregnant. In fact, I haven't had a cold like this since 2005. I remember the year because it was during my clerkship, and, to see that head cold spread through our ranks, you'd think we'd been spending our days engaging in very nerdy orgies, rather than discussing the finer points of constitutional law and watching reruns of Dawson's Creek in the clerks' lounge. I hope it's not RSV. Or, better, I hope it is RSV, and that Peter hasn't shown any symptoms yet because his pharmaceutical-boosted immune system has already destroyed that MoFo. Wish us luck.


  1. Oh NO! I can't believe it! I feel like you sacrificed your immune system for a day (or two) of playing with your nearest and dearest in the girlfriend department. Yikes. Will be praying Peter's best experience with a head cold is simply wondering why Mama's face is making so much goo. Hope you feel better soon.


  2. Noooo! Oh Amanda, I'm so sorry. I really hope it wasn't us who spread the plague, but I think it must have been. Hope you guys are okay. Call me if you need anything!

  3. thanks for the sympathies, girls! I think it was bound to happen sometime, although I still can't figure out how, since I was as careful as can be. Perhaps an errant barista sneezed surreptitiously in my coffee? (Starbeasy being about the only place I leave my house to go, last weekend's festivities aside ...). So far Peter is not sick, so I am clinging to my hope that it is RSV, his shots gave him immunity, last weekend's ragers were caused by his system fighting off the plague, and now he's unlikely to get RSV for the rest of the season (this is all wishful thinking in the extreme, and I will continue to keep the Purell close at hand).
