Thursday, January 7, 2010

Brought to you by the letter "D".

This is what Mark and I listen to all day long: "dah-di-dah-di-dah", and sometimes "a-da" or "a-di" or "a-did" or, just for good measure, "hey-dad". It's D-lightful, but I'm sort of hoping for the emergence of "M"s.


  1. Sooooo cute! Thanks for posting Amanda and Happy New Year to you, Mark and Peter. Hopefully I'll get to see you all in March when I come over to help out with my three (! count 'em!!) grandchildren.
    Muchos love

  2. Hi, I think that JoAnn and I would like you to progress with the letter "G" (Mike and Peter (big one) too)!!!. We would all take any thing with the letter "G" - Love Granniexx
