If you're in the market for a good time, dear reader, might I suggest that you bring a baby (yours, preferably) into the bath with you? We did just that this past week, and found the experience to be quite delightful, if a little splashy. The Peanut enjoyed the water immensely, as you can see:

No, we neither took turns nor had one big family bath: these photos are from two separate bathing experiences. The real trick to the photo shoot is trying to keep it PG insofar as the grown-ups are concerned (with P Dizzle, it's no holds barred). Incidentally, we are super-awesome parents in the baby-proofing department - very first thing Peter reached for (both times ...) was my razor.
On a totally unrelated note, I had to post all six of the following photos, since they demonstrate three things: (1) just how adorable my son is; (2) his rapidly-improving sitting skills; and (3) his very impressive new hair growth. The blue leisure suit is courtesy of Nan and Poppa, Peter's great-grandparents, who have made time for some shopping in the midst of their snowbird ritual.

On the hair-growth point, those of you who have been paying close attention will have noticed that the Peanut was born with a full head of hair, then had a (dramatically) receding hairline culminating in the
cul de sac shown in
this post, and has now begun to sprout some new growth all over. This pattern appears to be common amongst preemies, and my best guess is that the culprit is head growth with which follicular growth cannot keep pace, probably because life on the mean streets of the NICU is so much harsher than the cushy life other babes are enjoying in the womb (well, in
wombs, plural, to be precise). Anyhoo, Peter now has something akin to a five o'clock shadow covering the better part of his melon, and we hold out great hope that said shadow will in fact progress to a full head of hair.
Those are mad sitting skills, my friend. And the hair! The hair! Almost shampoo commercial worthy :)
ReplyDeletePS. Love the bath photos - he looks so very big in both of the shots.
Every time I check out the blog, you have another ridiculously cute post of Peter. I always think "This kid just can't get any more adorable" and then boom, you go and prove me wrong with the next post. Seriously, you have to stop with the cute, its killing me!